Everyday for the past 2 weeks I've recieved a notice from facebook saying someone has mentioned me in their note on their profile, and I think cool someone mentioned something about me, and everytime I get nothing. . . . no mention at all, why would Facebook tease me so! Why not just tell me someone posted a note and wants me to do it too! Instead of getting my hopes up!
So to make up for it, I'm doing my own top 25 most important things to know about me and posting it as a note on facebook, but I'm not tagging anyone, so they don't get torchured like I did!
25.Pink is not my favorite color although my cell phone, camera and ipod cover would suggest other wise!
24. I quote something I saw on Saturday Night Live almost everyday, and almost always no one knows what I'm talking about and it makes me sad!
23. I want a Gospel Choir to sing "Oh Happy Day" at my funeral
22. My foot measures to be a size 8, but because my feet are so wide I've been wearing a size ten for about 10 years now! I like my shoes and my trailors the same way. . . .double wide! (have I told this story already?)
21. I love leftovers! I think they taste better! Cold Italian, Mexican, and Chinese food is the best!!!
20. Forget Air Guitar, I love to create my own "Air Band"! My personal favorite is the drums, Angie's favorite is the Keytar, here's video of me and the ladies getting our air band on, on a road trip to Utah we took last year!
19. The only time in my life I didn't wanna be famous was when I was in 4th grade and I thought I wanted to be a teacher. . . boy what a silly girl I was! :)
18. I'm not allergic to anything, but a few times when I was 14 something made my lips swell and for a while my Mom thought I was allergic to packaged salad! It's still remains a mystery what caused me to look like I had bad collagen injections!
17. This is the face I make in almost every picture, I don't like the way my top lip disappears when I smile normally, and I feel this face personifies me best.
16. For the last 2 or 3 yrs. I've become accostomed to only chewing half a stick of gum at a time to make the package last longer, but I usually just end up with a ton of halvsies at the bottom of my purse!
15. I love doing my hair and putting on make-up, it's my favorite part of my daily routine!
14. I'm addicted to fruity drinks! I love makin' em, and I love drinkin' em!
13. Once a 300 lb drunk man sat on my lap at a bar and all Angie and Michelle (or was it Nette) did was laugh at me, and I still find it very upsetting that they didn't come to my rescue! :)
12. I hope belts, scarves, and leggings never go out of style!
11. I've never really had a thing for bad boys! I've always loved the nice guy!
10. I love toys! Gwenny gave me these hulk smash gloves for Christmas, and I have absolutley no use for them, but I love them, and usually when people give me useless toys that I'm way too old for I get all giddy inside!
9. I have a hard time looking people in the eye. . . .it's almost too personal for me!
8. If I could wear fake eyelashes, a wig, and something sparkly every day. . . . I totally would!
7. Say what you will about old country singers, but I have a huge place in my heart for the Oak Ridge Boys! With hits like "Ya'll Come Back Saloon", "Tryin' to Love two Woman", "It's Gonna Take a lot of Rivers", and probably the most famous "Elvira" You can't deny the awesomeness of this old country boy band!
6. Anything dipped in ranch dressing is a delight. . . . oh except for marchino cherries!
5. On more then one occasion people have said I remind them of Mimi from Drew Carey or Rosie O'donnell and I'm like . . . .why? Because we are all fat and obnoxious, or is it because I'm a troll collecting lesbian. . . . maybe someday I'll know?
4. I often get asked if I have my tongue pierced because of the split down the middle of it!
3. I don't know how to pop my knuckles, or crack my back, and I also cannot whistle to save my life!
2. If I could die and come back as any animal it would be a persian cat, because they're chubby and fluffy and get pampered all day, that's the life!
1. Along the same lines as the air band, my second favorite thing to do when listening to music is interprite the lyrics of a song via hand motions, so when I run out of dance moves, I usually resort to things like this.
and that's enough about me. . . sorry if there are any repeats. . . .this game is hard!
Until next time. . .
Peace Out!